Smiddy they are not necessarily elderly. Or is that a just your way of ref to elders? Some years back they went to some lengths to get rid of older, and in some cases, more savvy elders. You get plenty of young elders.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
by Eliseo inwe are cooperating with jason wynne’s project.
here you will find the details:
jason wynne was avoidjw founder.
Anna Marina
If You Criticize A Person of Color Are You A Racist?
by minimus inseriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
Anna Marina
Things have been ridiculous for years where I come from. At work we were being given training on not being prejudiced and not using discrimination.
So we shown a video on a rude, presumptious deaf person being misunderstood by a receptionist who was an older woman. When it was found out how the older receptionist had misunderstood the request of the deaf person, she was given hell by her boss.
At the end of this video the trainer asked us questions to ensure we had understood the message she wanted us to take away from this session. So I told her I had just seen an older receptionist experience age-ism and watched an intolerant deaf person act in a prejudiced manner.
My answer upset the trainer every bit as much as when I told the elders they were contradicting the prophet Daniel. Ok, I wasn't called an apostate or disfellowshipped but it was close.
“I got two ticket to paradise!”
by Dagney inand i don’t mean eddie money’s paradise.... you just can’t make this stuff up.
Anna Marina
Boarding Pass? Surely should read Boredom Pass.
Not sure I'd want to get on a plane that is departing this world. I know what they mean but you could easily misunderstand that phrase. Nice to see they would have everyone travel First Class though. Very considerate.
JW's Thoughts On Legal Marijuana
by Deltron3030 incan jehovahs witnesses ingest marijuana in states where it's legal?
can they use it medically and recreationally in legal states?
Anna Marina
On a related note...
...I can't help but notice that the new Kingdom Hall designs strongly resemble legalized cannabis dispensaries in my area, and IMO - should they ever need to be sold - could be easily repurposed as such with minimal refurbishing.
Coincidence, or irony? (the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive)
Hi Vidiot
I haven’t seen legalized cannabis dispensaries. But I am aware that since 1950s there has been a movement to legalise LSD on the basis of religious freedom.
The Ratafarians say that weed is grass and therefore the wheat from which bread is made. The bread of life is symbolised in the eucharist.
A one-time director of psychiatric research at the Kaiser Family Foundation , and lecturer in psychology at Harvard University (1959-1963), Timothy Leary set out to legalise LSD by framing it as the bread of life/eucharist. He gave LSD to the Theology Dept at Harvard and it received a positive response. He called his movement the League for Spiritual Discovery.
So, if you are able to take the name Jah and disconnect it from the Bible, connect it to Haile Selassie, say he was both God and Jesus and took weed. Maybe a time will come when a lot who have left the Watchtower will feel compelled to return to the head/the Ras… the GB? Is it possible that along with new light, the elders will be renamed counsellors or volunteer psychiatric helpers with rights to influence clinicians on who should or should not be allowed weed?
An imaginative idea I know. But the WBTS is shocking and unbelievable in so many ways.
Why not take a look at this video and see what Aldous Huxley felt was just around the corner, in 1958. A Brave New World and a dictatorship of the future. At 9:15 he talks of Soma (a made-up drug from his novel) and goes on to explain that to get the consent of the ruled you would use drugs (11:24) and propaganda so as to get people to actually love their slavery (11:53).
To Active JW's Who Think Outside the Box: 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12 Reconsidered...
by MADMARY inwatchtower society “contradicts” the bible – where and why?.
god's word certainly warns anyone who would dare, or be so audacious to deliberately change, twist or distort his holy message of truth by saying:.
“5 every saying of god is refined.
Anna Marina
Madmary - the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society constantly play with language. They are not even Jehovah's Witnesses, its like calling themselves Jews. Jehovah's Witnesses were the descendants of Jacob. There was nothing wrong with Jehovah's genuine faithful witnesses.
The Watchtower leaders played with the word Christianity and came up with Christendom. So the collective term for Watchtower adherants should be something like Towerdom, Lie-dom or Errordom. Some favour Babylon.
Another deep cut . . . Walter Salter
by BereanThinker7 inas ive mentioned before i like digging into obscure watchtower characters of the past.
so todays topic will be w.f.
Anna Marina
Hi Slimboyfat
Are you aware of the connection of the Christadelphians to Benjamin Wilson who wrote the Emphatic Diaglott?
I am not an expert like you but I put this here in case it is of use/interest to you.
Benjamin Wilson joined the Cambellite movement (followers of Thomas Campbell) but he split from that movement circa 1850 due to doctrinal disagreements.
In a publication by John Thomas (founder of the Christadelphians) called, The Herald of the Future Age, Benjamin Wilson expressed his views on the immortal soul. This was the initial cause of Wilson's break with Campbell.
So Benjamin Wilson, who wrote the Emphatic Diaglott agreed with the founder of the Christadelphians on matters to do with the soul.
Manhole , Manpower , Policeman...Unacceptable Words In Berkeley California
by minimus inoffensive politically incorrect words.🤭.
Anna Marina
The word narcissist is bandied around as an insult. People should reflect on this.
Have you ever gotten a straight answer? If yes, what was it?
by Tenacious inthe light continues to get brighter, yada, yada, yada.. but, the bottom line is the watchtower claims everything comes from jehovah.
books, magazines, videos, assemblies, to jw broadcast, to gb appointments, to dramas, even the music and sophia and caleb.
heck, they would claim jehovah provides the toilet paper if they could.
Anna Marina
I was once given a straight answer - an elder told me that 50% of what he said from the platform was rubbish.
He wasn't telling me something I didn't know. What I didn't realise was that I was never supposed to repeat what he told me. But when I do repeat it to other elders I get told, "oh I expect he was only joking."
But he wasn't joking. He told me that because I had found him out as a liar in relation to the talks he was giving because I knew enough Hebrew and Greek to challenge him - I think his conscience was pricked and he was trying to salve it by confessing.
Craziest books or magazines printed by the tower.
by rockemsockem inwhat are the craziest books or magazines the tower ever printed?
i know of the millions now living is crazy the finished mystery.
Anna Marina
Reasoning from the Scriptures.
Also the New World Translation of the Scripture with Appendix 5B which entirely contradicted their beliefs, especially the Reasoning book.
Maybe that's why they did the Revised New World Translation and left Appendix 5B out.
by lriddle80 inmy judicial committee was set for monday.
the message says to call back asap and that he loves me, but he said it like "i love ya, girl" he never has said that to me like that.
so, i call back and he says i have been a hard person to get a hold of and that confused me because i had not received any calls from him.
Anna Marina
Hi Smiddy – here are the scriptures you cited plus a bit of context. Can’t find a Titus 4:1 though.
(Acts 10:40-43) . . .God raised this One up on the third day and granted him to become manifest, 41 not to all the people, but to witnesses appointed beforehand by God, to us, who ate and drank with him after his rising from the dead. 42 Also, he ordered us to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness that this is the One decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead. 43 To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone putting faith in him gets forgiveness of sins through his name.”
(Acts 17:30-31) . . .True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. 31 Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has furnished a guarantee to all men in that he has resurrected him from the dead.”
The words Jesus spoke came from His Father – so this is how I understand it, it’s where a person has stood throughout their lives in relation to the values Jesus expressed. And it had to be Jesus expressing them because he lived by them perfectly. So, I don't see a contradiction.
My bottom line is if Jesus was wrong, I’ll be wrong with him because I think he was a nice, kind person. Throughout my life, I have always found that if I follow the direction Jesus gives, things work out and you are happy. I appreciate you have a different view. Just explaining why I value Jesus’ words.